Monday, June 17, 2013

Blocks 51 - 60 Are Done!

Here are the next 10 blocks.  You may notice that block 60 looks different from the layout in the book.  First, I really don't like Tula's block #60 (and that won't bother her at all!)  But I am making myself stitch every single block.  I made several versions of block 60...make that 4 versions!!  I think part of the problem with the block is the fact that I couldn't figure out what it was supposed to be.  Finally, on the 4th try, I thought maybe it's an abstract sewing machine.  What ever!  After the 4th block which I made with scraps from other blocks, I squared it up and found it was almost a 1/4" short.  No way was I going to make a 5th version so that's why you see the extra strip at the bottom.

The one area where I should have paid more attention is to the colors and contrast Tula used.  I do wish I had more contrast in my blocks.  On block 54 I wish I'd had more contrast in the two orange fabrics.  The the 1.5" square in block 57 should have had more contrast so it popped.  Oh well, you know what they say, hind site is 20-20.  I hope I remember all this when I start my second 100 blocks quilt. 

Enough already, here are blocks 51 - 60.

Block 51

Block 52

Block 53

Block 54

Block 55

Block 56

Block 57

Block 58

Block 59

Block 60

Well, that's it for now.  I hope you're inspired today!

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